Mountain Ridge High School

Glendale, AZ

Mountain Ridge High School

High School • Football
Glendale, AZ
JoinedSep 2014
Roster 0
Alumni 6
Are you an athlete on the Mountain Ridge High School football team?

6 Uncommitted Roster Athletes

Name Teams
Aguilar, Christian
2023 • TE, OLB, DE
Cable, Murdoch
2028 • WR, CB, SS
Huston, Jason
2022 • QB
Johnson, Korey
2023 • CB
Phillips, Isaiah
2029 • OT
Sanchez, Alexis
2022 • OT, OG, C

1 Committed Roster Athlete

Name Teams Commitment To School
Kirkland, Jason
2023 • DE
Cornell University
Signed Commitment