Palomar College

San Marcos, CA

Palomar College

CCCAA • Football
San Marcos, CA
JoinedApr 2014
Roster 1
Alumni 14
Dan Early
215 Total Connections
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14 Alumni

Name Teams
Amu, To'e
2014 • OLB, ILB, SS, ATH
Palomar College
Carter, Isaiah
2015 • C, DT
Palomar College
Estrada, Joey
2014 •
Palomar College
Fiehler, Garrett
2014 • TB, HB, LS, ATH
Palomar College
Harris, Justin
2015 • WR, SR, TB, CB, ATH
Palomar College
Makihele, Malohi
2015 • OLB
Palomar College
Mauga, Zeke
2010 • OLB, ILB, ATH
Palomar College
Nelson, Aaron
2015 • DT, DE
Palomar College
Osman Musa, Ali
2020 • WR, SR, CB
Palomar College
Palid, Casey
2015 • DT, DE
Palomar College
Reid, Michael
Palomar College
Sua, Micah
2015 • FB
Palomar College
Tau, Junior
2015 • FB, DT, NT, ATH
Palomar College
Voa, Arnold
Palomar College
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