Harris County High School

Hamilton, GA

Harris County High School

High School • Baseball
Hamilton, GA
JoinedNov 2017
Roster 8
Alumni 22
Sammie Mathis
1 Total Connection

Steven Sikes
2 Total Connections

Tony Dimitri
40 Total Connections
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22 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Clark, Parker
2024 • P, 2B, SS
Harris County High School
Ernest, Evan
2018 • P, 1B, 3B
Harris County High School
Franks Jr, Travis
2024 • P, 1B, 2B
Harris County High School
Frost, Cayden
2021 • P, CF, RF
Harris County High School
Horton, Brennon
2024 • P, 1B, 3B
Harris County High School
Brewton-Parker College
Signed Commitment
Howard, Will
2019 • C, 3B
Harris County High School
Jordan, Jake
2020 • P, LF, RF
Harris County High School
Southern Union State Community College
Killingsworth, Kaden
2020 •
Harris County High School
King, Brandon
2018 • P, 1B
Harris County High School
Lee, Noah
2018 • P
Harris County High School
McLemore, Peyton
2019 • P, LF, RF
Harris County High School
Miller, Daniel
2019 • P, 1B, RF
Harris County High School
Moore, James
2018 • 1B
Harris County High School
Moxley, John
2019 • 2B, LF, CF
Harris County High School
O’steen, Ryan
2020 •
Harris County High School
O'Steen, Jake
2020 • P
Harris County High School
Profitt, Pierce
2024 • CF
Harris County High School
Reeves, Ashton
2020 • P, CF, RF
Harris County High School
Schorr, Jackson
2022 • SS
Harris County High School
Smith, Jayce
2027 • 2B, SS, RF
Harris County High School
Smith, Sutton
2020 • 1B, 3B
Harris County High School
Stanford, Cole
2020 • C, 3B, LF
Harris County High School
Gordon State College
Verbally Committed
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