Stockbridge High School

Stockbridge, WI

Stockbridge High School

High School • Women's Basketball
Stockbridge, WI
JoinedFeb 2016
Roster 1
Alumni 5
Josh Forstner
37 Total Connections
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5 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Hermann, Leigha
2017 • PF
Stockbridge High School
LeGault, Madelyn
2021 • PG, SG
Stockbridge High School
Ruppenthal, Laurynn
2023 • SF, PF, C
Stockbridge High School
Mount Mary University
Verbally Committed
Schmunck, Kali
2021 • SG, SF, PF
Stockbridge High School
Vande Hey, Grace
2021 • PF, C
Stockbridge High School