Romeoville High School

Romeoville, IL

Romeoville High School

High School • Women's Volleyball
Romeoville, IL
JoinedMay 2022
Roster 6
Alumni 11
AnnMarie Kraus
0 Total Connections

Paige Reinert
294 Total Connections
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11 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Alexander, Taylor
2024 • OH, DS
Romeoville High School
Belusa United VBC
Illinois Performance Volleyball
Anderson, Chloe
2022 • MB, OPP
Romeoville High School
Manhattan College
Signed Commitment
Bunch, Samantha
2021 • S, OPP
Romeoville High School
Tusculum University
Signed Commitment
Bunch, Leah
2020 • L, DS
Romeoville High School
Edgewood College
Signed Commitment
Cicero, Taylor
2024 • OH, OPP, MB
Romeoville High School
Cole, Demi
2024 • MB
Romeoville High School
Illinois Performance Volleyball
University of California - Davis
Verbally Committed
Currie, Kimora
2024 • OPP, L, DS
Romeoville High School
Illinois Performance Volleyball
DeMichele, Kady
2024 • L, DS
Romeoville High School
Dunfrund, Aeryanna
2021 • L, DS
Romeoville High School
Marian University
Signed Commitment
Eyassu, Eden
2026 • DS
Romeoville High School
Otero, Yuliza
2024 • L, DS
Romeoville High School
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