Wenatchee High School

Wenatchee, WA

Wenatchee High School

High School • Football
Wenatchee, WA
JoinedAug 2014
Roster 5
Alumni 23
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23 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Amezcua, Johnny
2022 • SR, CB, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Babst, Aidan
2024 • WR, CB, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Blakney, Austin
2018 • QB
Wenatchee High School
Brandt-Sims, Christian
2016 • WR, TE, DE, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Byers, Kyle
2018 • OT
Wenatchee High School
Carlson, Darius
2019 • WR, OLB, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Central Washington University
Verbally Committed
Cass, Sim
2021 • OT, DT, DE
Wenatchee High School
Davis, Isaac
2023 • C, DT
Wenatchee High School
Dyal, Colton
2018 • DT, DE, NT
Wenatchee High School
Linfield University
Signed Commitment
Esquivel, Tony (Otoniel)
2017 • SR, TB, CB
Wenatchee High School
Harrison, Kaden
2022 • C, DT, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Holmberg, Ben
2015 • OLB, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Holzerland, Clayton
2016 • OT, OG, DT, DE, NT, LS
Wenatchee High School
Jelsing, JJ
2021 • WR, SR, CB
Wenatchee High School
Air Force Academy
Signed Commitment
Loidhamer, Camden
2022 • TE, OLB, DE
Wenatchee High School
Manriquez-Jimenez, Andy
2020 • OG, DT, NT
Wenatchee High School
Martin, Ross
2015 • OG, DT, DE
Wenatchee High School
Parmenter, Rowan
2017 • OLB, SS, FS
Wenatchee High School
University of San Diego
Signed Commitment
Resch, Chase
2015 • WR, SR, CB, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Sells, Joe
2016 • TB, OLB
Wenatchee High School
Sirmon, Camden
2021 • QB
Wenatchee High School
Stoll, Markus
2015 • TE, OLB, ATH
Wenatchee High School
Young, Obadiah
2021 • WR, OLB, SS
Wenatchee High School
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