St. Luke's High School

Mobile, AL

St. Luke's High School

High School • Women's Volleyball
Mobile, AL
JoinedJan 2016
Roster 6
Alumni 22
Meredith Donald
95 Total Connections
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22 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Bailey, Lauren
2019 • S
St. Luke's High School
Millsaps College
Signed Commitment
Bennett Hammons, Anne
2020 • OH, OPP, MB
St. Luke's High School
Bonner, Natalie
2018 • OPP, MB
St. Luke's High School
Spring Hill College
Verbally Committed
Bryant, Ella
2022 • L, DS
St. Luke's High School
Carney, Jada
2018 • OH
St. Luke's High School
Garrett, Grace
2021 • S, DS
St. Luke's High School
Garside, Lexi
2023 • S, DS
St. Luke's High School
Huntingdon College
Signed Commitment
Harris, Cassidy
2020 • DS
St. Luke's High School
Hensley, Kellan
2018 • L, DS
St. Luke's High School
Hunt, Camille
2017 • OH, DS
St. Luke's High School
Piedmont University
Signed Commitment
Jones, Brooklyn
2020 • L, DS
St. Luke's High School
Lawson State Community College
Lawson State Community College
Lindquist, Bea
2020 • S
St. Luke's High School
Mary G. Montgomery High School
Huntingdon College
Verbally Committed
Long, Emilee
2020 • OH, MB
St. Luke's High School
McPherson, Emma
2023 • S
St. Luke's High School
University of Mobile
Verbally Committed
Mitternight, Kristen
2020 • L, DS
St. Luke's High School
Faith Academy
Spring Hill College
Signed Commitment
Moorehead, Sidney
2019 • OPP, MB
St. Luke's High School
Novak, Whitney
2021 • OPP, MB, DS
St. Luke's High School
Mobile Storm VBC
Odom, Jordan
2017 • OH, DS
St. Luke's High School
Keiser University
Signed Commitment
Patterson, Haley
2023 • OH, OPP, MB
St. Luke's High School
Mobile Storm VBC
Kennesaw State University
Verbally Committed
Sims, Gracie
2022 • OH, OPP, DS
St. Luke's High School
Bayside Academy
Mobile Storm VBC
Birmingham Southern College
Signed Commitment
Thompson, Elizabeth
2017 • MB
St. Luke's High School
Pensacola State College
Verbally Committed
Threlkeld, Brooke
2019 • OPP, S
St. Luke's High School
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