Hartnell College

Salinas, CA

Hartnell College

CCCAA • Baseball
Salinas, CA
JoinedNov 2011
Roster 3
Alumni 29
Gil Ruiz
69 Total Connections

Randall Bispo
208 Total Connections

Chris Veloz
41 Total Connections

Andru Holguin
62 Total Connections

Kyle Czaplak
486 Total Connections
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2 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Olivarria, Zach
2024 • P
Hartnell College
Argonaut High School
Hartnell College
Verbally Committed
Robinson, Isaiah
2025 • 1B, LF
Hartnell College
Durango High School
Hartnell College
Verbally Committed