Newport High School

Newport, OR

Newport High School

High School • Football
Newport, OR
JoinedMay 2015
Roster 4
Alumni 20
Dan Schaffeld
19 Total Connections
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20 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Acevedo, Jimmy
2019 • OT, DE, P
Newport High School
Boys, Stephen
2020 • C, DE, LS
Newport High School
Braxling, Cole
2019 • WR, CB, ATH
Newport High School
Chuck, Brendan
2018 • HB, OLB, ATH
Newport High School
Conklin, Talen
2017 • OG, NT
Newport High School
Fisher, Lucas
2019 • FB, MLB, ATH
Newport High School
Galen, Addison
2019 • FB, MLB
Newport High School
Gilleo, Logan
2020 • TB, MLB, ATH
Newport High School
Lancaster, Dennis
2016 • HB, OLB, P
Newport High School
Leake, Brandon
2017 • OG, ILB, DE, LS
Newport High School
Lehrer, Ken
2020 • WR, CB, FS
Newport High School
Losier, Luke
2020 • QB, TE, DE
Newport High School
George Fox University
Signed Commitment
Moore, Max
2019 • TE, DE
Newport High School
Pavlisick, Marcus
2019 • OLB, ATH
Newport High School
Perry, Austin
2020 • QB, CB, ATH
Newport High School
Raever, Kaleb
2019 • C, DT, DE
Newport High School
Willamette University
Verbally Committed
Rilatos, Frankie
2016 • TB, OLB, ATH
Newport High School
Stottlemyre, Tanner
2019 • HB, OLB, ATH
Newport High School
Tucker, Jake
2019 • C, DE, NT
Newport High School
Wray, Eli
2018 • OG, MLB, LS
Newport High School
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