The Harker School

San Jose, CA

The Harker School

High School • Football
San Jose, CA
JoinedMar 2017
Roster 8
Alumni 9
Marcus McCants
19 Total Connections

Sidhart Krishnamurthi
5 Total Connections
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9 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Dudyala, Sidharth
2020 • WR, CB, FS
The Harker School
Han, Phillip
2020 • C, MLB, ATH
The Harker School
Jiang, Matthew
2020 • WR, CB, ATH
The Harker School
Keller, Devin
2020 • SR, HB, CB
The Harker School
Kelly, Nate
2018 • QB
The Harker School
Mondal, Shomrik
2020 • P, PK
The Harker School
Macalester College
Signed Commitment
Pauli, James
2018 • OT, MLB, LS
The Harker School
Varma, Rohan
2021 • WR, SR, CB
The Harker School
Vyas, Vijay
2021 • QB
The Harker School